RASIO KEUANGAN The Bank of Tokyo – Mitsubishi UFJ TAHUN 2011
Tahun 2011 2010
Modal 39,96% 34,79%
Aset produktif bermasalah dan aset non produktif bermasalah terhadap total aset Pr0,83% 0,51%
produktif dan aset non produktif
Non performing Productive Assets and non performing non Productive Assets to
Aset produktif bermasalah terhadap total aset produktif 1,47% 1,12%
Non Performing Productive Assets to Total Productive As
Cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai (CKPN) aset keuangan terhadap aset produktif 0,38% 0,46%
Impairment of Financial Assets to Productive
Kredit Bermasalah – Gross Gross 1,63% 1,47%
n performing Loan ‐
Kredit Bermasalah – Net 1,29% 0,99%
ROE 4,28% 3,99%
ROA 2,66% 2,47%
NIM 3,08% 2,91%
Beban Operasional terhadap Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO) 77,72% 88,16%
Operational Expenses to Operational
LDR 231,38% 171,49%
Presentase pelanggaran BMPK 0% 0%
Legal Lending Limit
Presentase pelampauan BMPK 0% 0%
egal Lending Limit Excess
Giro Wajib Minimum Rupiah 8,31% 9,08%
upiah Reserve
Giro Wajib Minimum Valas Requirement 8,17% 1,07%
oreign Currencies Reserve Requirement
Posisi Devisa Netto (PDN) ) 2,03% 2,10%
Net Open Position (NOP)